See additional walk on 17th July

All the evening meetings begin at 7 pm. so please assemble a little earlier. All but one (June 7th) are Tuesday evenings. Numbers are not limited except for June 12th and June 19th when the limit is 20 (see signing sheet at our club room). There is no charge for any 'event'. Use your own transport and car-share if possible to make parking a little easier. We aim to finish at 9 pm. having made good use of the evening light and members can then re-group at a local pub for a drink and a chat.

If you have signed up for the Skegness day (July 15th) and/or the Salford Quays day (July 28th) and subsequently find that you are unable to go (or if you would like to bring an additional person)will you please contact me by 'phone (262-0036) or by E-mail (

Parking at the SPS club rooms
On July 15th (a Sunday) we have been asked not to use the car-park. Park on-street nearby (car sharing would help or better still get someone to drop you off!). On July 28th (a Saturday) we can use the car-park in the usual way.

I'm pleased to say that, as we have sufficient numbers going on each trip, it should be possible to make a limited refund on the coach on each day. Don't get too excited though!
Paul Cutts

During the course of the next few months members may come up with information about 'open days', re-enactments, special events etc. which may well be of photographic interest to members. Watch this website and/or announcements at Society meetings.